What is SWIFT Code and how to know..?
What is SWIFT Code and how to know..?
First of all, SWIFT Code ka full form is the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication and you can also call it BIC Code which is full form Bank Identification Code.
So in today's post, we will know why the SWIFT code is important and how can you find the SWIFT code of any bank
Friends, you live in India, but as you will know that all the banks have become core banking, this means that all the banks are linked with each other and this allows easy money from one bank to another bank and from one account to another. Money is transferred to the account.
But if international money transfer is to be done? In such a situation, how to ask for money from abroad, if you want to send money to your India, then for the first time you will ask for your bank account number, but even that money will not be directly transferred to your account. The process has to be understood.
First let's take an example, now you have to transfer money to your friend's account which is in the other state, then you will need to have his account number as well as IFSC code so that there will be an ID of that bank and branch in whole India from which money At the time of transfer, it will be known that which bank and which branch will transfer the money and later, if money comes in your account, then this is the money transfer process of your entire India, but when it comes to sending international money, how will the bank go? In which bank and branch and in which country will the money go? So just as there was IFSC code in local, SWIFT code is needed to send money from one country to another.
So whenever a company will send you money by wire transfer method, in such a situation it is absolutely necessary to give the SWIFT code along with your entire bank details.
Now the question is how to find SWIFT code..?
You can also search the SWIFT Code finder website on the Internet, but you should not take the risk, so it would be better to go to your bank manager and find out the SWIFT code of your branch.
If your bank manager does not tell SWIFT Code..?
Friends, this is the most important question because many people have a problem that when they go to ask the code from their bank manager, they say that if the code is not there, then there is no fault of those bank manager because in that branch There will be no foreign money exchange.
Therefore, request your bank manager to call the head branch and give the SWIFT code of the branch that will be given to you.
Now you must be wondering why the code of another bank? So it is such that even if you give SWIFT code of any branch of your entire India, money will come but remember that there should be the same bank.
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