
Showing posts from June, 2020

What is GPS and what does it use ..?

What is GPS and its definition: - Do you also want to know what is this GPS? Then you have reached the right place. This is because here you will get complete information related to GPS system. From which you will not have any need to read about it anywhere else. Since ancient times, we used to know about the right path with the help of stars of human sky. Earlier sailors used to use these constellations to know about their location and also knew about where to go. But now the time has changed a lot, in today's time, we only need a simple hand-held GPS (short for Global Positioning System) receiver to get information about our location, no matter where we are in the world. Why is there no mehjud in the place. But then we need such things that can provide information about our places while staying in the sky. Now we use satellites or satellites in place of stars. There are many navigation satellites that are revolving around our earth. These are the same satellites that provide us t...

What is the full form of GST...?

What is the full form of GST:- क्या आप जानते हैं कि जीएसटी का पूर्ण रूप क्या है? सरकार द्वारा निर्धारित कई कर हमारे लिए लागू थे। उसी समय ऐसा नहीं है कि वे अभी लागू नहीं हैं। लेकिन कुछ साल पहले सरकार ने एक टैक्स शुरू किया जो सभी करों का मूल है। अर्थात सभी करों का संग्रह। इसे जीएसटी कहा जाता है। क्या आप जानते हैं कि जीएसटी का पूर्ण रूप क्या है? अगर नहीं तो आज का यह लेख वास्तव में आपके लिए जानकारी से भरा होने वाला है। साथ ही, हम सभी भारतीयों को जीएसटी क्या है, जीएसटी का पूर्ण रूप क्या होगा, जीएसटी का प्रकार क्या है आदि के बारे में प्रश्नों के उत्तर को जानना चाहिए, साथ ही, छात्रों को इसके बारे में अवश्य जानना चाहिए, क्योंकि अक्सर कई प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में, संबंधित प्रश्न पूछे जाते हैं। तो फिर बिना देर किए चलिए शुरू करते हैं और जानते हैं कि GST Full Form in Hindi क्या है। GST क्या है ..? जीएसटी एक संघीय कर है। GST एक अप्रत्यक्ष कर है, जो वस्तुओं और सेवाओं की बिक्री पर लगाया जाता है। यह 1 जुलाई 2017 से पूरे देश में लागू किया गया है। जीएसटी का भुगतान उपभोक्ताओं द्वारा किया जाता है, लेकिन यह ...

What is Google AdSense and how does it work...?

What is Google AdSense and how does it work:- What is Google AdSense? Many of you must have heard this name. When we do blogging or any other work online, then most of the people have the same motive how to earn money. Making money online is not a big deal. Everyone can earn money from Internet, but for that you have to be hardworking. They have not put internet and after making a blog or website, your income will start. No one has got anything without hard work and neither will they get it. You always have to be serious about your work. After creating a blog, money does not come from there. You have to prepare your blog for that. Just like we do not get money from planting grains, for that we have to sell them. So similarly you will have to put advertisement in your blog. Whatever you advertise in your blog, it will give you money for that. AdSense is also a kind of advertising company, through which you can earn a lot of money. Let's know about him in details. What is Google AdSe...

What is YouTube Tag and how to Tag Generate ..?

What is YouTube Tag and how to Tag Generate ..? If you watch video on YouTube or make a video for YouTube then it is very important for you to know that YouTube Tag Kya Hota Hai because every video you watch and browse has a huge role in it. What is YouTube ..? YouTube is the number one video sharing platform in the world and is the world's No.2 search engine website, friends, after Google, the most search is done on YouTube. On YouTube, any person can make their own video and upload it for free and if their video is good and meets its policy, then money can also be earned from the same video, well later on how to earn money from YouTube Will talk Facts About YouTube:- You should take some information about it before YouTube tag, in fact YouTube's algorithm is so strong and in advance that by understanding your browsing behavior, you see the same video in front of you so that you have more interest so that you can get maximum could watch video But tell us one thing that when yo...

What is the full form of DP / Dp minings ..?

What is the full form of DP ..? Friends, after reading this post, it is possible that you will say that this is a very simple thing, friend, what is the full form of DP in such a situation ..? What was the need to write a post on it.? But you tell me that when you first heard about DP, did you know at that time? No no You, too, must have heard from whose mouth, in such a situation, you must have asked them what is the meaning of DP, isn't it.? In the same way, there are still many new people who must have heard the name of DP for the first time, as if their friend would have said that man, DP should change or etc. In such a situation, it is possible that you will be the one who does not know what the DP means, then you will not be asked with shame, that is why I am so that I will tell you all my technical knowledge which is small but not foolish. | DP's Full Form: - Friends, DP has a full form Display Picture, in the same way DP has more meaning. Friends, a short form may have ...

How to increase the speed of mobile 2020.?

How to increase the speed of mobile:-  If the phone starts to slow down after a few days of buying a new phone, then you must be thinking that this post will help you and after following the steps that I will tell, 100% will affect your phone's speed performance. In today's date, every human has been needed and if you have an iPhone then it doesn't matter, but if you have Android then the brain's curd must be sure why it is slowing down. Anger comes when buying a new mobile phone used to run great and fast, the speed seemed so cool that you would think that after this phone, there will not be a chance to buy another phone, but it slowed down in 6 months. What to do? How to increase the speed of mobile..? 1.RAM Clean Karke 2.Unused Apps Delete karke 3.Go version app use karke 4.Single App istemal karke 5.pura article padhe You can increase the speed of any thing only when you know about it, why the phone slows down because when the reason for slowing is known, then after...

अपने सभी फेसबुक डेटा जैसे फोटो, वीडियो, संपर्क आदि कैसे डाउनलोड करें ..?

अपने सभी फेसबुक डेटा जैसे फोटो, वीडियो, संपर्क आदि कैसे डाउनलोड करें ..! आपने फेसबुक के कैम्ब्रिज एनालिटिका कॉन्ट्रोवर्सी #DeleteFacebook के बारे में सुना होगा, अब लोग अक्सर इस बारे में चिंता करते हैं कि फेसबुक उनके बारे में क्या जानता है, इसलिए मैंने अपने लिए देखने के लिए अपना निजी फेसबुक संग्रह डाउनलोड किया। और यह चौंकाने वाला है कि फेसबुक के पास आपके बारे में सभी विवरण हैं। अगर आपने अपने मोबाइल पर फेसबुक ऐप डाउनलोड किया है तो यह आपके मोबाइल कॉन्टैक्ट्स के डेटा को सिंक कर देता है और आपकी रुचि के अनुसार आपकी फेसबुक वॉल पर आपको विज्ञापन देने के लिए कई और चीजों की जानकारी देता है। आपके द्वारा साझा किए गए डेटा की मदद से फ़ेसबुक आपके बारे में सब कुछ जानता है। फेसबुक पर यह आपके व्यवहार को आसानी से आंक सकता है और आपके विचारों में हेरफेर कर सकता है। जैसा कि आपने बहुत कुछ सुना है अब डेटा नई मुद्रा है। मुझे लगता है कि आपको अपने सभी फेसबुक डेटा को एक बार डाउनलोड करना होगा और यह देखना होगा कि अब तक आपको फेसबुक पर क्या अपलोड किया गया है और आपके फेसबुक के अन्य विवरण क्या हैं। फेसबुक ने उन लोगों को...

How To Add ( Countdown Timer ) Download Timer In Blogger 2020

How To Add ( Countdown ) Download Timer In Blogger 2020 :- नमस्कार दोस्तों और एक बार फिर से स्वागत है आप सभी का अपनी अपनी वेबसाइट पर। आज मैं आप सभी को Download Timer In Blogger में Add करने का तरीका बताने जा रहा हूँ यदि आप सभी जानना चाहते हैं, आप सीखना चाहते हैं, तो आप सभी को इस लेख को ध्यान से पढ़ना चाहिए। और अगर आपको अभी भी कुछ समझ नहीं आ रहा है तो आप सभी मुझे नीचे कमेंट सेक्शन में बता सकते हैं, मैं आपकी मदद जरूर करूंगा। दोस्तों, किसी भी वेबसाइट पर Download Timer लगाने का बहुत फायदा है। वह आप सभी को नीचे सभी लाभों के लिए बताएगा। यदि आप सभी अपनी वेबसाइट पर डाउनलोड टाइमर्स डालते हैं और यदि आपकी वेबसाइट पर Google Adsense स्वीकृत है, तो आपका Earning Boost वहां होगा। दोस्तों आपको बता दें कि एक पेशेवर तरीके से, आप सभी अपने ब्लॉगर की वेबसाइट पर एक डाउनलोडिंग टाइमर लगा सकते हैं। इसके लिए आप सभी लोगों को एक स्क्रिप्ट डाउनलोड करनी होगी, जिसका लिंक आप सभी को मिल जाएगा, जैसे ही आप क्लिक करेंगे, आप सभी पहले स्क्रिप्ट डाउनलोड कर लेंगे। ब्लॉगर में डाउनलोड टाइमर कैसे जोड़ें:- तो चलिए दोस्तों अब मैं ...

How to increase followers on instagram ..?

How to increase followers on instagram ..? Whatever you will read in this article is all based on my own experience and I myself went from zero follower on my instagram to 100 then 200 then in this way, you can also increase the number of your follower. Everyone wants to upload a photo and wants the whole world to see his photo and everyone should know that because many people are famous due to social media, in your mind, you will also have to upload your photo on social media. Do and everyone should see your photo so that you too will become famous. But do you know that Instagram is currently the best way to become famous with photos and in such a situation, you must have a question that how to become more popular than you are now, for this you have to be more follower then the next question in your mind It will come that Instagram Par Followers Kaise Badhaye so that it can become more popular then today's post is the same ray, in such a way, you will definitely read it and if you...

How to earn money from Instagram ..?

How to earn money from Instagram ..? Who does not want to earn money and when it comes to money, all of us become active immediately about which way money can be made, so in today's post I am going to tell you a different way in which you can make money from Instagram Can earn Instagram is a social apps that is now operating on Facebook and it may be that you will also run Instagram along with facebook, so if you want, you can also earn money from your account but some condition for it If you complete, then you will earn a lot of money. You must first create a profile on Instagram for him and if you do not know, then you just have to install official apps from the Play store and as you create a new account on facebook, you can also create it on Instagram. After this, to earn paisa, you should have a lot of follower on your profile and for that you will have to work hard because you see for yourself why people will follow you, so you have to do something so that people follow you. Y...

What is SWIFT Code and how to know..?

What is SWIFT Code and how to know..? First of all, SWIFT Code ka full form is the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication and you can also call it BIC Code which is full form Bank Identification Code. So in today's post, we will know why the SWIFT code is important and how can you find the SWIFT code of any bank Friends, you live in India, but as you will know that all the banks have become core banking, this means that all the banks are linked with each other and this allows easy money from one bank to another bank and from one account to another. Money is transferred to the account. But if international money transfer is to be done? In such a situation, how to ask for money from abroad, if you want to send money to your India, then for the first time you will ask for your bank account number, but even that money will not be directly transferred to your account. The process has to be understood. First let's take an example, now you have to transfer money t...

What is IFSC Code and how to know ..?

What is IFSC Code and how to know ..? There was a time when a lot of papad had to be made to send any money from one bank account to another and one is today that the money gets transferred immediately, but if you have to send money to someone's bank account today, then you The IFSC code of his bank must be known otherwise you will not be able to send money, so today in this post I will tell you what is this IFSC code. IFSC ka Full form is Indian Finance System Code: - Now it is known by the name that a system has been created to send money from one place to another place in your India and in the same system where a code is needed is IFSC. IFSC code is available with all the banks in India and without this code you cannot send money under any circumstances, then you will think why? So let's take an example, can we send letters from post office without PIN code? In the same way, RBI has made a unique identity of all banks and by that same identity the bank is identified and that...

Twitter kya hai और ट्विटर का उपयोग कैसे करें..?

What is twitter and how to use twitter..? First of all, thank you that you are so active and the question came in your mind that how do you use Twitter? It is such that whenever you watch any news like for example one of the channels shows a lot of Aaj Tak and in them you have the option that you can tell your Opinion, earlier it used to be that you had to do a sms Had to vote but it used to cut money and did not even know what you said, but now it is not so, now you can keep your talk everywhere through Twitter, so when you listen to news like IT Our Prime Minister has tweeted this or that tweet, then it will be in your mind that brother, which bird is the name of this twitter and why and how it is used? So let's first know that twitter hota kya hai..? Twitter is a micro blogging social networking website where you can put your talk in front of the world, now why is it so special? In fact, when you create your account on twitter, after that when people follow you, then whatever yo...

WhatsApp vs Telegram Which is the best...?

WhatsApp vs Telegram कौन सबसे बढ़िया है:- Do you have android mobile? Ok which messaging apps have you installed? WhatsApp or Telegram?      So Today I am going to compare between these two apps for you. Start with WhatsApp, Feature of WhatsApp: - 1. The first thing is that you can do absolutely secure chatting in it, since WhatsApp uses End to End encryption technology, in such a way if you are chatting with your friends, video calling or voice calling then it is so secure that Even the developer of WhatsApp itself cannot steal your data or anyone in the world cannot read your message from your middle. 2. After this, whenever you send a file, the data gets very fast by compressing. 3. In this, you can also chat by creating a group, 4. In this you can also do voice calling 5. You can also do video calling in it 6. It can also search for group members by name in the group. 7. One more thing, the data is not stored on any server in this case, if you send a file to someone an...

How To Increase Jio 4G internet Speed..?

How To Increase Jio 4G Speed: - Reliance Jio is a brand in the telecom sector that has worsened the condition of all the other telecom companies, because at first Jio's 4G services like calling and internet services were absolutely free, then after that when cheap 4G Internet was given in India, then Telecom Industry There was panic inside. You too must have been happy that the man had thought of such a cheap internet, but only Jio made the dream come true and everything changed with time and now if you see the tweet on twitter, you will feel that people will get 4G network It has been, but Jio 4G Speed ​​is not available, in such a situation, you must also think that you can find some way that you will be able to increase Internet Speed. How To Increase Jio 4G Speed: - See, if a person claims that he will increase the internet speed double or triple internet speed with a particular trick, then it is totally wrong because if you have the knowledge of technology then you will never ...

घर बैठे पैसे कामने का तारिका..?

घर बैठे पैसे कामने का तारिका :- क्या आप भी अपने अगल बगल के लोगो से सुने है की वो घर बैठे पैसे कमाते है ? आप भी जानना चाहते है. अगर आप भी इस चीज में इंटरेस्टेड है तो उससे पहले आपको उसके बारे में सच्चाई जानना जरूरी हो गया है की ऑनलाइन घर बैठे पैसे कमाने के नाम पर कितना ठगी हो रहा है ताकि आप अपने दोस्तों को फ्रॉड होने से बचा सकते है | Data Entry Job From Home :- डाटा एंट्री जॉब एक सही तरीका है जिससे कम स्किल वाले लोग भी महीने के 30 हजार रुपया कमा लेते है लेकिन जब ज्यादा लोग घर बैठे ही पैसे कमाने लगे तो कुछ फर्जी ग्रुप के लोग ऑनलाइन फर्जीवाडा करना शुरू कर दिया जिससे की ऑनलाइन डाटा एंट्री जॉब पूरी तरह से बदनाम हो गया | आखिर कैसे फर्जी नौकरी के नाम पर पैसे ठगते है और उल्टा केस करने की धमकी भी देते है ? चलिए समझते है | घर बैठे पैसे कमाने का तरीका के नाम पर ठगी :- असल में कुछ फर्जी लोग है जिनकी कोई कंपनी रजिस्टर्ड भी नही है फिर भी वो लोग स्टूडेंट्स या जो रोजगार की तलाश में है उनको कांटेक्ट करते है इसके बाद उन्हें ये विस्वास दिलाते है की उनको डाटा एंट्री का काम देंगे जिसमे सिफ form भरने का काम ...

How to make money with Tik Tok...?

You will also have a question that when tiktok is becoming so famous, can you earn money from tik tok? So in this post I will answer your question and also how to earn money from TiK Tok as well. Can you earn money on Tik Tok like youtube or not? How to make money with Tik Tok..? Ever since the Internet revolution has come in our country, people have been using the Internet a lot, but if you look around you, you will find that most people spend data watching funny videos, now you think that every company is now daily from 1.5 Taking 2 GB of data, and the people have so much less data, in such a situation, you must be wondering where the people of India spend so much data? So the answer is that more news related to entertainment and especially watch videos and since tik tok has come, people are busy watching funny videos. In such a situation, either you will be making a video on tik tok or you are thinking of making it, then you must also be thinking, how do people who make videos on ti...

How to Delete Instagram Account Permanently..?

  How to Delete Instagram:- What reason you guys want to delete your instagram account or whether you have too much of social media or you just want to give it a break altogether. Then in this video I will show you guys exactly how to get that done So stick around .   Welcome back  guys This is Rml Uikey I am your hosts and I want to show you how to delete your instagram account .  Instagram have made  it a bit difficult back in the days you could just go straight to the account so you have to log into account first .  So you normally could log into your account and even go to edit profile and down below .  You could have it  done here as well , but they make it a bit more chicken for us to really delete our accounts and stuff like that .  So pretty much they frustrate us to get that down  So we're gonna have to do so You locked into actual accounts and then we're gonna where you have the three lines you know click into three line...

फेसबुक अकाउंट को डिलीट कैसे करें ..?

फेसबुक अकाउंट को हटाने का तरीका:-  फेसबुक अकाउंट डिलीट करने का जो भी कारण हो सकता है। यदि हां, तो आपके पास विकल्प चुनने के लिए दो विकल्प हैं। 1. अपने फेसबुक अकाउंट को निष्क्रिय करना। 2. अपने फेसबुक अकाउंट को परमानेंटली डिलीट करना। अपने फेसबुक अकाउंट को निष्क्रिय करने और हटाने के बीच क्या अंतर है? आपके फेसबुक खाते को निष्क्रिय करने, आपके द्वारा अपने फेसबुक खाते को निष्क्रिय करने और जब भी आपकी इच्छा हो वापस आने के लिए आपके पास लचीलापन है, तब भी ध्यान देने योग्य सबसे महत्वपूर्ण अंतर यह है कि जब भी आप अपने फेसबुक खाते को हटाते हैं, तो आप अपनी पहुंच पुनः प्राप्त नहीं कर पाएंगे। फेसबुक अकाउंट। तो चलिए सबसे पहले दूसरे विकल्प से शुरू करते हैं फेसबुक अकाउंट को डिलीट कैसे करें परमानेंटली अपने फेसबुक अकाउंट को डिलीट करने से पहले स्थायी रूप से बैकअप कॉपी होना अच्छा होता है। तो अपने सभी फेसबुक मैसेजेस दोस्तों आदि का बैकअप बनाने के लिए।  इस लॉक आइकन के बगल में मौजूद नीचे की ओर इशारा करते हुए इस एंकर पर क्लिक करें।  सेटिंग्स में जाओ"। अब यहाँ, "GeneralAccount Settings" पेज में, आपको अप...

कोरोनावायरस से बचने के उपाय | 10 प्रभावी तरीके जिनसे आप वायरस से बच सकते हैं

दोस्तों, कोरोना वायरस एक महामारी का रूप ले चुका है और यह न केवल पूरी दुनिया के लिए बल्कि मानव जाति के लिए भी खतरा बन गया है, इस मामले में आप यह भी जानना चाहेंगे कि कोरोना वायरस कैसे होता है । कोरोनोवायरस से बचने का तरीका की तलाश में, आप सही जगह पर आए हैं। मैं आपको कम से कम 10 ऐसे तरीके बताने जा रहा हूं जो बिल्कुल प्रभावी हैं और यदि आप इस तरीके को अपनाते हैं तो संभव है कि आप सुरक्षित रह सकते हैं। कोरोनोवायरस से बचने का तरीका:- दोस्तों, अगर हम खबरों की बात करें, तो आज के समय में, हमारे देश के लगभग 75 जिलों में ताला लगा दिया गया है और पंजाब में कर्फ्यू लगा दिया गया, जब तालाबंदी के बाद भी स्थिति ठीक नहीं थी। यह वायरस कितना खतरनाक है, इसका अंदाजा आप इसी बात से लगा सकते हैं कि इटली में 22 मार्च 2020 तक इस वायरस के कारण 5500 लोगों की मौत हो चुकी है। तो दोस्तों, इस पोस्ट को बहुत ध्यान से पढ़ें और सभी बिंदुओं पर विचार करने के बाद, मैं आपसे अनुरोध करूंगा कि आप इस जानकारी को अपने दोस्तों के साथ परिवार के साथ साझा करके देश की सेवा कर सकते हैं। कर सकते हैं कोरोनोवायरस से कैसे बचें :- जब तक कोरो...