What is GPS and what does it use ..?

What is GPS and its definition: - Do you also want to know what is this GPS? Then you have reached the right place. This is because here you will get complete information related to GPS system. From which you will not have any need to read about it anywhere else. Since ancient times, we used to know about the right path with the help of stars of human sky. Earlier sailors used to use these constellations to know about their location and also knew about where to go. But now the time has changed a lot, in today's time, we only need a simple hand-held GPS (short for Global Positioning System) receiver to get information about our location, no matter where we are in the world. Why is there no mehjud in the place. But then we need such things that can provide information about our places while staying in the sky. Now we use satellites or satellites in place of stars. There are many navigation satellites that are revolving around our earth. These are the same satellites that provide us t...